Family & Youth Ministry

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered from September 8, 2024 to June. 

Children and youth, aged 3+ to teens, meet after about 15 minutes into Sunday morning worship at 10:00 am. Our Sunday School wing is located downstairs and is accessible by elevator or stairwell. The space is bright and welcoming for all. 

Our Approach

There is currently one group running with a dedicated group of screened volunteer leaders and assistants. Children experience scriptures using a variety of activities to suit varied learning styles and interests. For example, the story of Noah and the Ark. is explored using different Bible translations, books and  rotations - such as art, science, cooking, media or drama.

We also dedicate time throughout the year to plan and carry out outreach projects. Last year, on three occasions, the children made cards for Meals on Wheels clients. 

Teens are welcome to work on collaborative art projects and/or serve as junior leaders. The church is registered with the provincial Community Service Bursary program.  Students may be eligible to volunteers for bursary hours.

Our goal is to provide children and young people with a community of faith where they feel a sense of belonging, just as they are. A space where they can ask questions without fear of judgement, where they can let their curiosity about their faith run free, and where they can explore who they are and want to become. 


Caregivers have the option to stay with children during Sunday School time or to return to the worship service. Children are also welcome to remain in church if that is where they feel most comfortable as a family. Joyful noises throughout worship are always welcome! Pew Packs are also available in the Fellowship Hall.


Our beautiful bright nursery is located in the Sunday School wing downstairs. It is fully stocked with seating, change table, play pen and toys. Caregivers can watch the worship service via a live feed.


West River offers an outdoor mini library of free books for the entire community.  You will also find a library of books and videos for children, youth and adults in the Fellowship Hall. These resources are available on loan. Please use the binder to sign out anything of interest to you.

Other Programming

Movie Nights  I  Community Garden  I  Puppet Ministry  I  Youth Forum I Camp Abegweit  I  Vacation Bible Camp  I  AMEN Sundays

If you have any questions or would like more information about family and youth ministry programs, contact us!

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