Council & Committees
West River Council
The Council of West River United Church provides for the governance and stewardship of the church. Membership is made up of an executive, chair and/or alternate of each committee and the minister. Council meets regularly to share in the life and mission of our community of faith. An annual report and financial statement is presented to the congregation each year.
Chairperson: Kevin Sanderson I Secretary: Larry Hale I Treasurer: Leah Eldershaw
Chair: Valerie Acorn
Christian Education
Chair: Verna Lynne Weeks
Ministry & Personnel
A/Chair: Kevin Rogers
Co-Chairs: Brian Simpson & Morris Tierney
United Church Women
President: Ruth Stavert
Pastoral Care
Contact: Rev. Franklyn James
Outreach & Hospitality
Chair: Jennifer Shields
A/Chair: Cheryl Jewell
Council Minutes & Reports
For reports and council minutes, visit the office or request a password by email to download. Email
Get Involved!
The life and mission of West River depends on the commitment and dedication of many volunteers. Whether you like to bake, organize activities, take minutes, work with numbers, garden, sing or play an instrument, to name just a few of the many opportunities, there is a place for you and your gifts and talents in our community of faith.
Please speak with a member of our council executive, a committee chairperson or Rev. Franklyn. We'd be happy to help you find a good fit!